

Choosing our desires

Once we are aware that we are continually attracting our experiences, we then realize how important it is to immediately choose our desires. When faced with something we don't want to happen, feel, think about or anticipate, it's time to choose differently. The most likely sequel to what is occurring is a persistence or a reoccurrence. We perpetuate what we negate or appreciate by paying attention to it with no choice but to react. Choosing "no more of this" is not a viable option because of the insistence sought by our persistent attention.

When we take our mind off of unwanted things, there are two sources of desire to consider: our left and right brains. Our left brain functions neurotically. It seeks "symbolic gratification" of its unmet needs. It formulate desires that are superficial and impressive. The pseudo satisfaction that results sets up craving bigger acquisitions or more extreme thrills. The pursuit, shopping or search is more gratifying than the acquisition and use. The left brain is the proud sponsor of this shopping frenzy, over-consumption and excessive materialism.

Our right brain has access to the big picture. It's sense of "what to want" is in tune with all that is emerging and transforming in our complexly intertwined situation. The desires delivered by the right brain seem like a higher choice. They regard our needs as illusions because of how we really relate to all-in-all. Our fears are "false evidence appearing real". All is possible and we are creators in this state of mind. Our right brains' felt-sense is serene and purposeful. The satisfaction from the realization of their desires is authentic and significant. The right brain is the proud sponsor of harmony, balance and moderation in our lives.

Our left brains operate on the premise of our mortal existence. They assume we really die after a limited life span. They maintain a sense of fear as if the dangers we face are real. They believe in our past histories and linear conceptions of time. The desires that arise from these misconceptions are destined to be dissatisfying, desperate and problematic.

Our right brains support our eternal existence. They assume we are here for experiences using appearances that seem real. They operate on the premise of safety, freedom and forgiveness. They dismiss our past histories as mere illusions and explore the continual now moment. The desires that arise from these premises are deeply satisfying, spontaneous and compassionate to others.

In my experiences with these two sources of desires, I found it works best for me to be empty on the left side and getting filled by the right side. When I don't know what to want logically, I am inspired with desires via my intuition. By assuming my left brain desires miss the mark, I'm right on target by receiving from my right brain. If I want something based on fear, I lose out on deep satisfaction. When I want something in tune with my eternal spirit, it comes easily and satisfies me deeply in the now moment.

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