

Professional educators under scrutiny

I've been a professional educator for most of my life. Acting professorial rubbed me the wrong way most of the time. While I was in the profession, it was in the dark about the source of my unsettled feelings. From my new vantage and breadth of new perspectives, I can see clearly what's been troubling me.
  • Most professional educators operate inside a consensus reality that calls for professing expertise. There is a superstitious belief that learning happens in the presence of professors professing their advanced knowledge. This conjecture is not evidence based, empirically verified or even supported by anecdotal evidence.
  • Many professional educators create experiences premised on coping with an elusive understanding. If it was assumed that if understanding came easily, they would be "out of business". By making it seem difficult to understand, there is lots of material to cover, explanations to offer and concepts to comprehend. Never mind that it's easy to grasp if one starts from that premise and cuts to the chase.
  • Lots of professional educators act out getting chronically misunderstood. In academia, they do not get understood by their administration, faculty senate, dean, department head, colleagues or students. It appears they have already made up their mind that getting understood never happens or is never likely.
  • Most professional educators exhibit a low tolerance of the moody, irrational and impulsive dimensions of our psyches. It seems imperative to maintain tight control over emotions. The overuse of rational argument and logical discourse speaks volumes about their lack of feeling, personal freedom and chaotic variety in their experiences.
  • Many professional educators appear to giving us the wrong impression. It's professionally acceptable to say one thing and do another. There are no professional scruples to earn the respect of students by their credible conduct or to expect people will learn more from how their taught than what was covered.
  • Lots of professional educators cannot describe their students as having anything in common with themselves. The students are de-personalized, distanced and devoid of feelings in their interactions with the professional authority. The learners are obviously ignorant, inferior and disqualified from conversing as colleagues, authorities or experts.
  • Most professional educators operate inside silos of professional exclusivity, specialization and precision. Their disciplines do not overlap, share insights or find value across the boundaries of their well-defended turf.
  • Many professional educators feel at home at academic conferences presenting papers among their compatible colleagues. They feel abandoned, isolated or confronted inside own classrooms. Their anxiety levels are chronically toxic for anyone coming in contact with them.
  • Lots of professional educators function as tradition-bound incumbents who squelch sustaining and disruptive innovations. They teach the way they were taught and cover what's in the book. They see the need to do things the way they were done before rather than question the function, value, side effects and personal statement that consistency makes.
Most professional educators cannot assemble a list like this. Like myself in the dark, the misgivings are inarticulate and difficult to frame. Most persist with great determination and suffer bouts of burnout. Different questions to not come to mind to consider abandoning the premises of professional educators.

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