

When we're solving for pattern

When we're solving for pattern, the vast majority of the dynamics in question are organic. We're translating those organic problems into organic solutions. The organic problems exhibit having a "life of their own" that defies getting fixed, resisted or denied. If mishandled, they come back with a vengeance and expose the incompetence and excesses of the "inorganic" solution. We see this all time with what Wendell Berry calls "bad solutions". The majority of dynamics get misperceived as mechanistic, technological and controllable. The solutions do more harm than good to the persistent organic dynamics.

When we're solving for pattern, it's to our benefit that the dynamics are really organic. We become part of those dynamics, living in the system that needs a solution. We become enrolled in an actor-network assemblage of interests. We join in what comes back around, cycles in phases, returns what we give it and integrates its contextual diversity.

When we're solving for pattern, we can induce organic problems to vanish. We join the complexity of interdependencies in ways where the organic problems are no longer needed. We see how the problems we're necessitated until we came along and revised the range of available solutions. Vicious cycles go into reverse where the participants get energized, validated and respected for their valuable contributions.

When we're solving for pattern, we see situations as complex dynamics, not as isolated objects. We're wary of being objective about evidence that is driven by underlying and interrelated connections. We refute the claims that problems are simply in need of some added efficiency, technology or spending. We regard objects as relatively insignificant and relationships as profoundly important.

When we're solving for pattern, we utilize technologies sparingly. We're cautious about the perils of "user friendly tools" getting over-used, substituted for relational incompetence or misused as justifications for the routine abuse of victims. We deploy technologies with safeguards that require accurate perceptions, good judgments and insightful interventions.

When we're solving for pattern, our separate interests in finding a solution to problems, gets translated into an ongoing interest in having the problem until something better comes along. We then want what the problem does for participants enacting powerlessness in the context of excessive efficiencies, technologies and bad solutions. We come up better ways to get what the problem does for the participants that incorporates additional patterns more comprehensively.

When we're solving for pattern, we become as complex as the system. Our interests become integrated in the assemblage of interests. We join in accomplishing what the interdependencies yield by their organic nature. We grow with the growing all around us.

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