

Comparing clogged and spacious networks

When a social network is clogged, participants experience the blockages as:

  • I cannot go there or come from there
  • There's no connection to where I'm at or trying to locate
  • It's not making sense or seeming worthy of further investigation
  • It's got to be accepted as is and not questioned

When a social network is spacious, the opposite experiences occur. Spacious networks support our curiosity, continual exploring and refining our open questions. It feels like we're continuing to discover new realizations, to solve the latest mystery posed by puzzling clues and to verify new theories to our own satisfaction.

As I've pondered why clogged networks don't fade away, I've realized they support lots of dysfunctional states of mind and ability. Clogged networks are good for:

  • Propagandizing one right answer and telling others how to think with simplistic labels, categories and stereotypes
  • Shooting the messengers who deliver unwanted news of changes, outcomes or feedback
  • Making empty claims of competency while paralyzing numerous processes with costly incompetencies
  • Feeding others anxieties and paranoia which preclude the emergence of trust, respect and fascination with other viewpoints

It's pointless to attack, resist or otherwise antagonize clogged networks. They're poised to escalate the conflicts and frustrate those who seek spaciousness. It's far wiser to simply begin living as if we are already in a spacious network. That means we will begin and end every process with not knowing. We will wonder what is working, how to proceed and which meaning to give the facts we've learned. It expects that we will move forward by our own irrational emotions, intrinsic motivations and personal pursuits. We will connect the dots as we see fit and allow for others to do the same. We'll experience how spacious our connections seem compared to our prior history of confinement in clogged networks.

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