

Great questions to ponder

My blog reader is brimming with wonderful questions to ponder at the moment. Here's a sampling:

Jay Cross is asking how to connect our understanding of "learning" to three eThought leaders' concepts:

The internet stew I've just cooked up is made of perpetual beta, the long tail, user-centered development, loose coupling, intangibles, connections, push the edges, power to peers, honesty, authenticity, and transparency.

Harold Jarche asks:

We’re seeing signs of this weakening of the industrial hierarchical model (see Wirearchy for more details), with workers dropping out of the “Corporation” and becoming free agents. Will this trend continue?

Jane Hart has launched a new blog for her WallerHart Learning Architects" venture and asks:

It is now common to hear that informal learning “is all around us”, that we learn over 80% that way but that we spend almost nothing on it. OK got all that. Could we now start to discuss please how we should spend money on informal learning without making it formal learning like all the rest?

Mark Berthelemy is blogging about a conference exploring the practical uses of George Siemen's Knowing Knowledge. He asks:

1. How do we design centrally-driven learning experiences that incorporate connectivist principles?
2. How do we make the process of collecting together our personal learning conversations easier.
3. How do we encourage individuals to take responsibility for their place within their own learning network?

Chris Anderson is asking when the big corporations in the music distribution industry will realize they are talking "user centric" but acting hierarchical?

I'm here in Cannes for MIDEM, the big European music conference/market, and can't help but reflect on how, in 2007, the music industry still treats consumers not just like criminals but also idiots.

Seth Godin is asking what comes after the semantic web with all those intelligent agents tracking down exactly what we need from search-compliant resources?

We need identity to build Web4, because the deliverable is based on who you are and what you do and what you need. And we need connection to build Web4, because you're nothing without the rest of us. Web4 is about making connections, about serendipity and about the network taking initiative.

Over the weekend, Dan Russell asked for insights in how we make sense of something unfamiliar to us. The comments from readers of Creating Passionate Users repeatedly point to the power of questions.

Happy pondering!!

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