

Two can play this game

When we're threatened by changes, our thinking becomes frantic. We start problem solving on the basis of a misdiagnosis. We fail to see the opportunity while figuring out how to defend our position, justify our intentions and confront the opposition. Our goal is control and that's no fun at all.

When we can see the changes as a welcome sight, very different ideas occur to us. We change the diagnosis before thinking of solving any problems. We realize there are ways to leverage the opportunity, combine two approaches or utilize the apparent resistance to our intention.

The challenge is different than it first appears. We can see the others delivering the changes are playing a game. We get that there is a pattern to all of us. There are rules and a way to keep score. It's not chaos or out of control. We realize that "two can play this game".

Once it's clear that the others are pretending to be changed this way around us, we can have some fun too. It's time to change our tune, outlook and basis for making sense. We can take something from the pages of Harry Potter, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, or the Transformers.

If our act is one of being serious, we can shapeshift into a player. If we've been pretending to be an expert, we can morph into someone who is still learning about this. If we've been sold on ourselves as powerful, we can transform into disguise of hidden power and apparent humility. If we've been thinking like a SCORM compliant module, we can think like a scavenger hunt organizer instead.

When the others get the impression we are playing the game and free to change "our avatar settings", they will lighten up. They'll look more like the enjoyment we're now feeling --as if they are a reflection of us in some mirror. We'll come across as more interesting and interested in them. Minds will open, become receptive and collaborations will ensue. A teachable moment may follow.

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