

So be it

When we assume there is nothing better to do, we will do nothing better. So be it.

When we operate on the premise that learning is a struggle, we will do what it takes to experience learning as a struggle. So be it.

When we choose to establish our inferiority and insecurities as a fact of our miserable life, we act as if these limitations are inevitable, irrefutable and unchangeable. So be it.

When we choose to believe we are talented, creative and resourceful regardless of our past history, we will act as if these gifts are ready available and a joy to play with. So be it.

When we believe in our hearts that we have to make things happen for things to change, we will ignore, deny and disregard all evidence of change falling into place, emerging without effort or growing from a tiny seed. So be it.

When we assume that changes happen all the time, without effort and naturally, we will realize ways to let things happen and nurture what's coming about naturally.

When we are convinced that our imagination is only good for wishful thinking, sexual fantasies and rescue scenarios, we will experience our imagination as daydreaming, wasting time and losing touch with reality. So be it.

When we assume our imagination is our source of great ideas, new possibilities and inspired things to say, our imagination will deliver on our premise as promised. So be it.

We are always being what is so for us. There is no way to avoid "so be it".


  1. Interesting ideas that seem to complement yr post Tom can be found here:

    And a couple of quotes from The Learner as Protagonist:

    "Einstein stated “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” This statement helps to argue that creativity and the construction of new knowledge has more value than mastering knowledge alone."

    "Most importantly, through the ritualized development of a creative and supportive community, learners will be able to collaborate on stories and share them with each other in media-rich formats. They become discriminating producers of media who are able to question the message behind a variety of media, versus blind consumers, and are able to use their most powerful tool on a daily basis – their imagination."


  2. Thanks for the link and the additions to the uses of our imaginations! That wiki page is loaded with great ideas!
