

Meme: Passion Quilt

Angela Maiers tagged me in her second round of the Passion Quilt Meme. I took this picture last year as I was growing a lot of new grass from seed and taking great satisfaction with the results. It's a picture of what I am most passionate about kids learning: growing from seed.

Every question is a seed for some significant learning that grows with the more we know. A spark of imagination functions like a seed that blossoms as we explore an initial possibility into other forms, uses and realizations. Every new skill we acquire is a seed of growth that takes off into new results, accomplishments and satisfactions.

Like the parable of the seed, the initial impulse may realize no growth if it falls on the hard ground or gets trampled underfoot of critics and control freaks. The seed can sprout up too quickly in places that do not support rooting into the depth of personal connections and purposes. The growth can get entangled in thorny issues that miss the big picture while debating small details. Or happily, the seed can fall where it grows slowly and fruitfully.


  1. Tom,
    I love this analogy. Here's the money quote for me : "Every question is a seed for some significant learning that grows with the more we know!" Love that!!

  2. Thanks for the kudos, Angela. I had fun coming up with this- getting to think of pictures and connecting them to my passion for authentic learning. Thanks for tagging me too.
